The Reverend Dr. Vertie Powers, an ordained Disciples clergy-woman, is the Associate Conference Minister for the Chicago Metropolitan Association Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ. In this position, she serves as Spiritual Leader giving care and oversight to 93 local United Church of Christ congregations, approximately 300 ordained and licensed clergy, and approximately 60 persons seeking ordained ministry.
You have accepted the call. Do you believe that this call and your acceptance of it are in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit?
Will you attempt to live honestly, openly, and justly with your brothers and sisters in this congregation? Will you seek to be sensitive to the needs of each person? Will you work diligently to fulfill your assigned responsibilities? And will you represent this congregation to the wider community in a way that will embody the teachings of the New Testament?
It is our responsibility to give Benjamin Ledell Reynolds our loyal support. Undergird him and his work with our prayers. Grant our pastor the freedom to be the person God has created him to be. Encourage our pastor in expression and use of the gifts that he uniquely possesses. Be with him a mutual seeker of the truth, a learner of the way, and a co-worker in the kin-dom. Appreciate the heritage of the Church of the Brethren in recognizing the freedom of the pulpit. Be a good employer to our pastor, exercising fairness and honesty in all agreements. Do we pledge our support and our full cooperation to the pastor we have called?
What a joy to see our sanctuary full of family and friends of First Church. A dinner in the notable style and manner of our hospitality was enjoyed by all. Doris Scott chaired the Family Day Committee. Mary Scott Boria & Joyce Cassel, members of the Servant Leadership Board, facilitated the Installation.
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